Further information
Selected gender equality measures of the Faculty of Technology at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) were the focus of an extensive evaluation conducted by CEWS.
The CEWS (Center of Excellence Women in Science and Research) is a competence center of GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences and the national hub for achieving gender equality in science and research in Germany.
The object of the evaluation is the various program lines of the ARIADNE mentoring program as well as other selected measures for the promotion of young female scientists at the FAU Faculty of Technology.
The perceptions of and the satisfaction of the mentees and mentors with the overall offer of the ARIADNE program are in the center. The added value of the program for the mentees and their retention as well as the multiplier function of the mentors are also of interest.
The other selected equality measures will be examined with regard to the aspects of visibility, perception and evaluation by the academic staff of the Faculty of Technology.
The evaluation includes a self-report of the university, explorative on-site discussions in the form of group interviews, a quantitative online survey, and an analysis of relevant documents.
The results were written up in an evaluation report. (as of January 2023)
The Faculty has pledged to implement the guidelines passed by the University Administration in 2023 set forth in the “Regulations assuring the quality of the appointment procedure for University professors and junior professors under particular consideration of aspects of gender and diversity”
The women’s representatives are voting members in the appointment committees of the Faculty of Engineering.
Are you looking for members of a committee or experts on a particular topic? The website of the Office of Equality and Diversity at FAU gives an overview of portals and databases that can be used to search for women in science.
The Faculty of Engineering supports proactive headhunting for excellent female scientists. The target agreements 2023-2027 provide funds for the promotion of guest lectures by outstanding researchers. Female guest lectures presenting their research and career paths are also role models and thereby motivating other students and young female researchers to follow a career in research.
Chairs that would like to invite a female guest scientist for a research stay at the Faculty can apply for a “Incoming Scholarship”. The idea behind the scholarship is to encourage internationalisation at FAU, boost the reputation of FAU abroad and take a proactive approach to headhunting excellent young female researchers.
The Faculty of Engineering is committed to advancing the careers of particularly talented women across all qualification levels. They run the mentoring programme in cooperation with the Office of Equality and Diversity. By providing women individual support through a personal mentor, the programme aims to help women successfully complete their further qualifications, whilst also encouraging high-potential female students and young researchers to start a career in research. Experienced mentors are there to give advice and support as and when needed. Participation in the programme is free of charge.
Applications for maternity leave cover or for research assistants to carry out laboratory work during pregnancy and breastfeeding should be submitted directly to Office P3 – HR Services for Part-Time Academic Staff (plus a copy to the Büro für Gender und Diversity).
On the FAU Family Service page you will find an overview of the regulations regarding maternity and parental leave at FAU.
If children fall ill or the situation at work reaches a peak making it necessary to work longer hours, parents can be left with the predicament of how to care for their children. In such situations, parents (students and staff) at the Faculty of Engineering can turn to the Family Service. The short-term childcare service (emergency care) can step in quickly and flexibly to help with childcare as and when needed, making it easier to balance research, work and family. Please contact the Family Service at FAU directly if you require short-term childcare.
Providing a family-friendly working environment has been important to FAU for a long time now. The FAU and Universitätsklinikum Family Service provides support for families (including parents and family carers) with regard to family commitments and academic life.
Leaders can apply for an earmarked allowance within the context of the Emmy Noether Program (module: family allowance). These funds are intended to cover additional costs incurred for caring for children or relatives in need of care during conferences and research trips. The reimbursement of costs (module: family allowance) is only available to leaders of Emmy Noether research groups. Further information on applying and using the allowance: https://www.dfg.de/resource/blob/168194/356b71aeb3e013e896edfd5fbb87be67/52-17-en-data.pdf
Accounts are settled at FAU exclusively by following the standard procedure for booking costs and sending receipts to H4 – Accounting rather than claiming for travel expenses via P6.
Please also take the new rules on the Regulation on transaction reporting obligations (Mitteilungsverordnung) into account.
Participants based abroad require a German tax identification number: https://www.fau.eu/fau/legal-regulations/regulation-on-transaction-reporting-obligations-mitteilungsverordnung/#keine-Steuer-IdNr