Prof. Dr. Matin Mahmoudifard
Humboldt Research Fellow

My research areas
I am developing novel nanomaterials for the biomedical applications like tissue engineering, biosensing and drug delivery systems.
Home University / Research Institute
Institute for genetic engineering and biotechnology (NIGEB), Tehran, Iran
Host research group
FAU Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Institute of Biomaterials, Prof. Dr. Aldo R. Boccaccini

Research period at the Faculty of Engineering, FAU
18 till 24 months
What is the focus of your research during your visit?
Designing Multifunctional Scaffold for Bone Tissue Engineering based on nanobiomaterials and stem cells derived exosomes.
I chose FAU because
FAU is one of the largest universities in Germany and has very good laboratory facilities. In addition, very prominent professors such as Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini are working in this university, with whom I have always wished to collaborate so that I can do deep research in the field of biomaterials and finally introduce a product that can help the patients of the world to market.
Further information
Prof. Dr. Aldo R. Boccaccini
Institute of Biomaterials