Dr. Gui Zhou
Humboldt Research Fellowship

My research areas:
My research interests include reconfigurable intelligent surface-assisted communications, integrated sensing and communication, millimeter wave communications, and mathematical optimization.
Home University / Research Institute:
Queen Mary University of London, U.K.
Host research group:
I am hosted by Professor Robert Schober, Chair for Digital Communications (IDC), Department Electrical Engineering at FAU.
Research period at the Faculty of Engineering, FAU:
04.07.2022 – 04.07.2024
What is the focus of your research during your visit?
Sensing assisted intelligent communication system and multi-dimensional channel reconstruction in intelligent communication system.
I choose FAU because:

First, Telecommunication Engineering at FAU ranked first among German universities according to Shanghai Ranking 2022. This is already the sixth year in a row that the FAU occupies the German top position in Telecommunication. Second, my host, Prof. Robert Schober, has supervised many excellent junior researchers, and his academic profile is outstanding. Prof. Schober will be the President-Elect of IEEE ComSoc in 2023. I believe Prof. Schober can provide valuable and forward-looking comments on my research, help me improve the quality of my work, and cultivate my critical and creative academic thinking.
Further information
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Schober