Curious-Mind-Forscherpreis for Björn Eskofier

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Prof. Dr. Björn Eskofier has been awarded the Curious-Mind-Forscherpreis 2020 in the category Life Science.

The Curious-Mind-Forscherpreis, presented by manager magazin and Merck, honours young scientists under the age of 40 whose work, in addition to highest academic excellence, already shows that it will provide impulses for the future of the German economy. The excellent cutting-edge research was expressly honored and congratulated by Angela Merkel.

As the DFG-Heisenberg Professor and Head of the Machine Learning and Data Analytics Lab at the FAU in Erlangen-Nürnberg, Björn Eskofier is researching how algorithms and artificial intelligence can influence the health of people or the physical fitness of athletes, for instance.

Prof. Dr. Björn Eskofier