RISE Germany 2020 – Research Internships in Science and Engineering

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Are you doing your doctorate and would like to recruit an research trainee from North America, Great Britain or Ireland as support for your experimental work? Offer an internship as part of your doctoral thesis.

RISE Germany places Bachelor students from North American, British and Irish universities for a research stay at German universities or non-university research institutions. The DAAD supports the research internships taking place in the summer months with scholarships, financed by funds from the Federal Foreign Office and through institutional cooperation. 300 internships are arranged annually.

Research trainees receive a monthly scholarship, insurance benefits and are invited to a three-day RISE meeting in Heidelberg.

Application: September 1 – October 15, 2019 (online) -> https://www.daad.de/rise/de/rise-germany/praktikum-anbieten/

All information and application documents (in German only):  https://www.daad.de/rise/de/rise-germany/praktikum-anbieten/anbieterportal/

If you have any questions about the RISE Germany program, please do not hesitate to contact Daniela Wiesen, Tel. 0228/ 882- 425, Email: rise-germany@daad.de