Delegation from China visits FAU
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A delegation from Chonquing University of Posts and Telecommunications (CQUPT) in China visited the Faculty of Engineering at FAU on 17 May 2018. The visit was organised by the Faculty of Engineering at FAU.
At the beginning of their visit, the delegation from Chonquing University visited the interdisciplinary Elite Master programme in Advanced Materials and Processes (MAP) and met Prof. Dr. Ing. Erik Bitzek, head of the MAP. In the morning, the guests met Prof. Dr. Günter Leugering, Vice President Research. After a joint discussion, Li Lin, President of CQUPT, signed FAU’s Golden Book. This was followed by lunch for the delegation in the cafeteria of the Fraunhofer Institute with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reinhard Lerch, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Chair of Sensor Technology. In the afternoon, the visitors were invited to the Department of Computer Science, where they met PD Dr.Ing. habil. Harald Köstler. This was followed by a meeting with Prof. Dr. Ing. Walter Kellermann at the Chair of Multimedia Communications and Signal Processing. The visit ended by meeting some exchange students from CQUPT in the cafeteria at the Faculty of Engineering.
A cooperation between CQUPT and the Faculty of Engineering at FAU in the fields of research and training was set up in 2009.